Today we are sharing with you new lesson....
In this lesson you will know about the History of C language......
- History of C language:-
Today, C is the most popular programming language. It is preferred by many programmers for developing all types of applications such as Word Processing Programs, Spread Sheet programs, database management systems, games etc. It is also used to write programs for controlling many other electronic devices and industrial processes.
As time passes, new features in the C have been added. The earlier version of C was not totally machine independent. A standard version of C was proposed by ANSI in late 1980s. ANSI stands for "American National Standard Institute". The ANSI developed standard version of the C Language known as ANSI C.
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In 1978, Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan published the first edition of The C Programming Language. The history of c programming language is closely attached with development of Unix.