In this post we will tell you the two reasons why it would be preferable to write program in C rather than in machine language......
Due to these two reasons programmer prefer C Language to write program rather than machine language.
1). Easy to Learn and Use:-
C language is high level language. It is very easy to learn and to write program. The errors in the C program can easily be detected and removed. It is also easy to modify the C program.
On the other hand, machine language is low level language. The program is written as a combination of 0s and 1s. Machine language is not easy to learn and to write program. The errors in the program are difficult to detect and to remove. It is also difficult to modify the program.

2). Machine Independent:-
Program written in C language is machine independent. It means that a program written in one type of Computer system can be executed on another different type of Computer.
On the other hand, a program written in machine language is machine dependent. Every type of Computer has its own set of rules for writing program in machine language. Program written on one type of computer system cannot run on different type of Computer.
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